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سلسلة LYRA الملهمة النسائية

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Esma

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Esma

Karsen: Salaam Esma! I hope you’re doing well. I just want to say I adore your work and illustrations, and they always brighten my day. Can you tell us a bit about your instagram name? And also a b...

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LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Claudia Cruz

Claudia Nour is creator of Claudia Nour cosmetics, a line of makeup and skin care that is made with all natural, halal and wudhu (ablution) friendly ingredients. She lives in New York with her husb...

قراءة المزيد

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Dina

KB: Hi Dina, could you start by telling me a bit about yourself and your background? Dina: My name is Dina, and I'm a photographer based in London. I specialise in portrait photography although I ...

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LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Lina

Salaam Lina! Firstly, thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me. I really wanted the chance to talk to you a bit about your story, as you have so much to offer as far as setting a prime examp...

قراءة المزيد

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Sabrina

KB: I read a bit of your caption today regarding how you got into general wellness, or at least what got you kickstarted, and I was hoping you could tell us a bit about that as well! SW: I guess m...

قراءة المزيد

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Maryam

Maryam has built her social media platform around sustainable fashion and thrifting that she coined #ModestyForLess. She highlights not only the ethics behind consumerism and fast fashion, but show...

قراءة المزيد

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Shaimaa

KB: Shaimaa, you beautiful human! I hope you’re well and thriving as always. Can you start us off by telling us a bit about yourself? All the general details, what people should associate you with....

قراءة المزيد

LYRA- Inspirational Women Series with Sumaia Saiboub

KB: Salaam Sumi! To start off, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Just the general details, nothing too deep yet (we’ll get there)...  SUMI: So my proper name is Sumaia Saiboub (Sumi), but m...

قراءة المزيد

لايرا- سلسلة إلهام النساء مع مدينة وايتمان

    '' ولكن الأهم من ذلك كله هي تلك الحواجز التي كانت في ذهني، فأنت تعلم شعور الخوف من الظهور علنا ونشر عملي لأنني لم أرغب في تلقي اهتمام سلبي. ’’   لذلك، نحن هنا مع أول مدونة تقابل بها ليرا الش...

قراءة المزيد

سباحة لايرا

حملة ليرة الخيرية للسباحة جنبا إلى جنب مع إطلاق العلامة التجارية لملابس السباحة الخاصه بنا، نحن أيضا نقدم حملة خيرية لتحفيز المزيد من النساء للمشاركة في السباحة لتعزيز اللياقة البدنية. في ليرا ن...

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